Are you still stuck in the 80's?

Posted by VitusVet on Sep 16, 2014 4:04:00 PM

I always tell people that being a veterinarian is more of a calling than a job.  Like many of you, it never really crossed my mind to be anything OTHER than a veterinarian. In my career I've worked as a general practitioner, ER vet and in referral practice, and those experiences have allowed me to see our profession through a number of different lenses. In just my lifetime, the way we treat and value pets in our society has undergone a truly fascinating transformation.  Pets have gone from the barn to the barnyard to the porch to the kitchen to the bedroom to the bed....all in just one generation!  This transformation has funded some tremendous advancements in the field of veterinary medicine, yet the way we SHARE this information with each other is still stuck in the 1980's.  

Technology is changing the world today and sharing information is easier than it has ever been.

In this ever changing world, how are you sharing your patient's information with other veterinarians and your clients?

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