Try the Practice Revenue Calculator.

To begin, answer 3 questions about your practice's current activity.


We've suggested some default values based on current customer performance, so if you don't know the metrics for your practice, you can use these to see the potential results.*

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  • 2
  • 3
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Question 1

How many unique clients has your practice seen in the last 12 months?

For practices with multiple locations, please only include numbers for a single location.

Calendar icon

Question 2

What’s the average number of appointments you see in a week?

Be sure to include medical visits, surgeries, and technician appointments. Do not include refill visits.

Hand holding money icon

Question 3

What’s your ATV?

Your ATV is your average transaction value/amount.


 *Results from using VitusVet vary by practice and are based upon current client communication channels.